A 100% Thrall Malt Kellerbier made with a special batch of Maple-Smoked barley, malted right down the road in Windsor, CT.
Our other smokey beers have been subtle, this is boldly smokey yet refreshing.
- Smoke
- Drinking Around A Firepit…Sans fire
- Lazy Brewers (who serve young lagers!)
- Drinking straight from the Cellar!
So, what’s a Kellerbier? Keller means “cellar” in German. The brewing process is broadly separated into the hot side (mash + boil) and the cold side (fermentation + conditioning). A cellarperson guides the beer through all the cold side operations. Legend has it that, in Germany, the cellar workers were known to slake their thirst with a sample straight from the tanks before the beer was filtered. This raw, hazy, unrefined version of the beer became a favorite among brewery workers and eventually made its way to the marketplace.