Live Painting Silent Auction Closes

Sun, Dec 22 ~ 1- PM

We met Tedd Andrews, a Windsor Locks resident, through his Live Painting shows with Meadow Blue, where he creates a painting before your eyes during a Live Musical Performance. Over the years he’s created dozens of masterpieces that haven’t found a home. During the month of December, Tedd’s past Live Paintings will be displayed around the Luppoleto Taproom as part of a Silent Auction to raise funds for the Windsor Locks Food Pantry.

Want to Bid on Something?

  1. Register at the counter so we have your contact info.
  2. Enter your bid on the applicable Bidding Sheet in our hallway.
  3. Check on your bids throughout the month & enter a new bid if you’d like!

Bidding closes on Sunday December 22nd. If you placed the winning bid we’ll contact you!