Warp Mill Pils
The J.R. Montgomery Company began manufacturing cotton textiles in 1871 later expanding into novelty yarns and electpric tinsels. These huge factory buildings, Warp Mills No 1. & 2, sit just across the canal from our location and offer a strong connection with the industrial past of Windsor Locks but also offer a strong signal of the future.
These buildings are now being reborn as riverfront apartments. And while “warp” has a stronger association with bending the fabric of the universe than fabric & textile manufacturing, we hope that will open the door for conversations about the industrial roots of this proud town and shed light on the revitalization progress.
So while we won’t have any “flagship” beers available year-round, one beer we’d like to keep heavily in the rotation is our Pilsner. It’s delicious, approachable and refreshing – there’s much more flavor and substance to it than a mass-market light lager but not a lot more alcohol.
Perfect, If You Like:
- Traditional Beer
- Czech Beer
- Bright beer
- Beer that looks like beer
- Smooth, crisp, malty goodness
- B** L**ght but wish it had more flavor